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Enchanting Ventures for
Wonder, Wisdom & Wellness

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Greetings, traveler.

My name is Brenda. I am so glad our paths have crossed. Step in for stories and solace. Where are your headed? There are many maps and guides here for your journey.

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Ancient Church in Mountainside


Blue Passageway
Path to Shinto Monument
Image by Adrian Dascal
Wander & Wonder
Wisdom & Growth
Be Well.

Travelers sets out to explore new places. With bold curiosity, they enjoy discovering new things about sites and themselves, gaining insights with each step. The traveler learns about others too- their food, customs, leadership and mysteries- and they begin to look through new eyes, with more awareness of the world around them. They build new relationships, face unforeseen challenges and gain wisdom. They build character and enjoy experiences as they wander but they must be sure not to stray off course and thus lose their way. 

 Every story has a peak challenge, the giant fear to face- one that is nearly unbearable. Perhaps our traveler's fortress has been destroyed by a mortal enemy. Cornerstones fractured, towers toppled and gentle light transformed into scorching flames. The destruction is vast. Devastation is rampant. 


It may seem that all hope is lost, but fear not. Every journey has an opportunity for renewal if we head the wisdom of the wise and choose to grow rather than shrink. Look to your guiding star.



And so the travelers overcome! They look back to realize the old ways are gone. Even the ground is broken, cracked to the core. They feel unsettled but also a sense of freedom, as if they had been sleeping for a long time and finally awoke. Through their discomfort, they know they have the strength to carry on. 


With renewed hope, eyes turn to the path ahead. Across the labyrinth, quite a ways away, a bird sits waiting on a tree branch above a pool of water; lush land beyond is filled with seeds anticipating their time to sprout.

Vision From the Fortress

Welcome to the Fortress. This is a place for fellow teachers and students, seekers and travelers, leaders and lost ones. But mostly it is for outsiders, those looking to take different paths- to diverge from the status quo. Because doing things the way they are being done out there is what made us soul sick, disillusioned and disenchanted. Here we aim to get a higher perspective and new level of awareness; We invite in magic. 

This is a place of curiosity and exploration, both of the outer world and our inner worlds. It is a place to wander and wonder, gain wisdom and grow, heal and be well and ultimately become the heroes of our stories. Believe that your passions have purpose.

When we follow our bliss and live as our highest self, it has a ripple effect on our setting and all the characters in our cast. 

I hope you will join me on a quest or at least check out the maps and guides I have found to be helpful on my journey. I am always looking to add to my collections so feel free to share insights from your journey!

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